Anthropology is the study of colored peoples of the world; they don’t study anybody else. Social studies itself was founded and funded by the Mellons and the Carnegies and those people were interested in the deviates who were not like them. It got its first money from those people, and they never studied themselves. Urban studies is the study of Black people, and the approach, vigorously held to in these studies: Black wards of the state, never as its pioneers.
It takes two to hold a chain: the chained, and the chainer. And it takes two to make an anthropology: the student and the studied. And though no group has had more money spent on it to have its genetics examined, its fecundity stopped, its intelligence measured, cross-acculturation is constantly neglected, and I would like to know who are these people who know our sperm count, but they don’t know our names.